Friday, March 4, 2011

$5 footlong..........

Okay, so y'all know that a coupla weeks ago a gentleman sent me (unsolicited) pictures of his peen, right? Y'all also know it was of the Vienna Sausage variety. Just an infant sized peen. Dreadful.

But today I'm chilling/minding my business & all of a sudden the innanets is a buzz. Someone has leaked peen pics of Chris Brown. Chile..................that thang right there!!!! {here's the link}

Here's my question - is it wrong if I send the link of CB's peen to the dude who sent me his little bitty peen? I really want to. With a note that says "THIS is the kind of peen you send pics of!!!!"

That is all.

Mojito is very busy looking at Chris Brown pics, I mean, taking care of business.

On a side note - if I see Breezy in these here streets it is on & popping.

