Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Ex List......The One Who Had Me Thinking About Smoking Weed

First of all, Happy New Year and shit. Now then, on to this post. You know I have to post when I feel it, otherwise it'll be 8 months before I feel like it, so here we go.

So I was talking to a friend this morning about how I met a boy who's a trainer & how I hope he don't think he's gonna get me to work out, cause I ain't gonna do it.

So of course she reminded me of Demetrius....a.k.a. "but he's sooooo dreeeaaammmyyy". Now, y'all don't really know Mojito so lemme give you some background - I have never in all my life done any drugs. Like - recreational drugs. Ever. I don't judge those who do, I just choose not to and have never felt the urge to do it. I'm like vehemently opposed to drugs. Even weed. Yes, people, weed is a drug. Don't give me that "it comes from the earth shit". Stop it.

So that said, I was dating this guy who was so gotdayum fine!!!! I say gahdayum!!! Just fine as shit for no good reason. He was a major major pothead. Like, it was ridiculous. So he would always try to get me to smoke w him, but I would always decline. Duh. But one night, I was thhhhiiiiiiiiiiissss close to lighting up....

We were fooling around a little bit. Which turned into a lot of bit. Which turned into um......we need to go upstairs. Lol. So we continue fooling around & all of a sudden he says "we should hit this weed to make the sex off the chain" (or something like that, shit, I don't remember the actual verbiage.) And lemme tell you, I almost hit that & he almost hit this.

But then I came to my senses. So nobody hit nothin. (which is really a damn shame cause gotdayum he was fine, did I mention that?!) But every now & then I remember how fine he was & wonder would a little bit of weed have killed me? LOL. But fine as his ass was, he woulda had me on heroin, robbing banks & pistol whipping nuns by now, so thank goodness I left that weed & that thaaaang alone.

So here's my question - have y'all ever met a person so fine that you lost all your sense & did something completely out of your character?

Fill up the comments section w your answers!!




Anonymous said...

I haven't been as fortunate as Mojito to have someone that fine take me "there". Nope. Not even close. Wait a minute. There was that one time with that guy from...um nevermind. Yup. My life was just that dull. Mojito, you're my Shero! - Nyteowl

Anonymous said...

LOL not me. I'm glad you came to your senses, otherwise he would have turned you into a two dollar ho!