Earlier today Mojito was called a bad word at work. The worst word Mojito has ever been called. Not the b word, c word, s word or mf words..........but a hater. Clutch the muthuafuckin pearls. I know. I KNOW!! Blasphemy, right? All because I said I'm not a fan of Jennifer Hudson, which I'm not. I think she has an amazing voice. One of the best voices out there right now. And I think she looks friggin GREAT in those new Weight Watchers commercials. But I still just am not a fan of her whole everything. She always has her mouth open, when she’s not singing. She’s always hollering & over singing. She just reminds me of neck rolling & wild arm/body movements. I dunno why. She’s just too much. Anywho. For that, I got called a hater.
So I do a little Internet search on the word & images of "haters". You would not believe how many images there are if you Google "haters". It is insanity. Don’t believe me? Here’s the link - http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&biw=1079&bih=524&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=haters&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq= (Side note - Why do so many of y'all think you have "haters"?)
Apparently “hating” is a serious & widespread problem. (This is sarcasm, people) I was curious as to what people thought about this, so I asked around. What exactly is a dayum hater?
Hater definitions from L’office de Mojito:
Five: someone that is SOOOOOO jealous of one's come up, he/she will say or do anything to bring to chop that person down. (i.e. anyone that doesn't see BeyoncĂ©’s success, or feel she isn't that great a singer)
Anonymous Co-worker:
Someone who is unhappy with another person’s success.
In Mojito's opinion, a hater is someone who is jealous of another person's success, life, etc.... Or someone who is negative towards someone or something for no reason other than maybe to be opposed to what's popular or "in".
My final opinion is this. Y'all need to learn the difference between not liking someone on & "hating on" someone. Or better yet, between someone genuinely not liking your mixtape/fashion designs/clothing/cooking/personality & hating on you. Labeling criticism "hate" just negates it. And if you would listen to your critics, you might learn some shit & get better. Or not. Who knows? But bottom line is this - maybe people just don't like whatever it is you're doing/selling/being. That's not hate. That's just not "like".
And about JHud (& Chrisette Michele - who I was also accused of hating on) - them hoes ain't hate worthy. No shade. BeyoncĂ© = hate worthy. Oprah’s rich ass = hate worthy. Michelle Obama = hate worthy. Them two other chicks? Not hardly.
Are any of y’all being hated on? Any of y’all self professed “haters”? Do y’all agree/disagree with our definitions of hating? Comments, people. Comments.
I do not care for either for all the reasons you have listed. Tell Co Worker to hate on these NUTS!! LMAO no but really having an opinion is not hate. Had you said she doesn't deserve her success... maybe. People need to move on and add something with more substance to their vocabulary
Thank you Stiletto Jill!!
So if you think someone is overrated is that hating to these people?
to anonymous - no, thinking someone is overrated is not hating. It's just saying they aren't as whatever as people make them out to be.
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