Wednesday, December 3, 2008

These Quotes Is Stupid!!!

So today, actually this year, has been particularly trying on both my patience and my nerves. Why don't we throw in my sanity as well - just for fun. And - oh hell, if we're going to be completely honest - my mascara (I should always go with waterproof!!).

So it got me to thinking about the saying - that which does not kill you only makes you stronger. Who came up with these dumb sayings and why?

Firstly - I'd like to go on record as saying that no one likes a woman with aaaallllll those muscles. Meaning - I'm strong enough thank you very much. I don't want or need any more strength. And on top of that - I completely disagree. That which doesn't kill me does NOT make me stronger. I think it's the exact opposite. I feel like I'm actually growing weaker from the stuff that was intended to make me stronger. And I'm none too pleased about it if you must know.

That said - I am rewriting - no actually I'm correcting - the sayings that I think are dumb and need to be fixed.
  • That which does not kill you...........makes you want to kill others. :)
  • The early bird.............. gets really sleepy at around 3:00 p.m.
  • A penny saved is....................still a penny.
  • If you can't say something least say something funny.
Okay - so that's a good start and Mojito is very sleepy so I can't think of any more. BUT - I'm sure you have heard some sayings that need fixing so please fil up the comment section with your own remixed sayings.



PS - Mojito needs more questions, so if you need any advice on work, relationships, money, etc.... Please send your questions to

1 comment:

Mdub said...

The last person who told me "it's better to have love & lost than to never have loved at all" almost caught an upper cut. It's the single largest crock of crap I've ever heard. It's better to have never experienced something great-lost it-and now can't help but give every wack (cause NOW they are) jigaboo who approaches, the vicious "go-way" eye cause they don't add up to Mr. Lost. Ignorance is that's a quote!