Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mojito Mail.........Is My Man A Freak?

Okay - so I got a question. Here goes.

Dear Mojito,

My boyfriend has a lot to offer on paper and my biological clock is ticking louder than the Times Square Ball Drop clock. However, I've seen a few flags that I'm not certain if they qualify as red or merely yellow/annoying. Recently, we planned for me to stop by his house on my way home from work for dinner. I got there, he seemed surprised that I was a little early. As we walked into the living room he quickly went over to his laptop that was sitting on the table and shut whatever he was working on and unplugged it, then excused himself to take a quick shower. Being the nosy girl that I am, I could see that closing the cover on the computer hadn't turned it off, so I waited a bit and then snuck a peek at what he had been working Apparently that was what he was doing in the 20 minutes between him getting home from work and me arriving. What do you think Mojito? Is he a freak or just a guy who needed a little relaxation after work?


Am I Dating Eric Benet

Mojito says.........

Well damn! He couldn't wait till you got there or till you left? I mean, really. I wouldn't say he's a freak - well not the creepy kind of freak - but I will say that maybe he has a high sex drive. And that's actually good to know early on in the relationship so you're aware of what you're dealing with and able to decide if you're up for it or not. And just think about this - at least it was just regular porn and not anything involving goats or horses or even worse - little boys and/or girls. Lucky for you - you just have a regular horny man and not a masked bandit aka Kels the pied piper of underaged poon. If this is the only issue and if your biological clock is ticking like a time bomb - I say go on and let super freak have a chance. But if there are other concerns I would leave him to his Mac and keep on looking for that right man without a sticky keyboard.



Remember - if you have questions or need advice, email me at

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mojito on...............shoplifting!!

Until I get some eyeballs on this thing and people start emailing me their Dear Mojitos, I guess I'll have to give & get my own advice. Today's topic - shoplifting.

Dear Mojito,

I have a frenemy - let's call her Liz - who is always trying to shoplift gentlemen friends from other peoples' closets. Why why why? How do I deal with a known shoplifter in my midst?


Someone Is Shopping In My Panty Drawer

Good question SISIMPD!

Mojito says - if you have a known shoplifter in your "store" - you should lock your register and keep an eye on the suspicious person and any valuable merchandise. You should also reserve your right to refuse service to this person the next time they come in to "shop". And if those tactics don't work - violence leaves a lasting impression.



Please send your questions to!!

Mojito says........

Okay - so this is my first post. Will anyone even really read this? I'm hoping that eventually people will send me comments/emails with life's burning questions and I can be like Dear Abby. Except it'll be Dear Mojito.