Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mojito on...............shoplifting!!

Until I get some eyeballs on this thing and people start emailing me their Dear Mojitos, I guess I'll have to give & get my own advice. Today's topic - shoplifting.

Dear Mojito,

I have a frenemy - let's call her Liz - who is always trying to shoplift gentlemen friends from other peoples' closets. Why why why? How do I deal with a known shoplifter in my midst?


Someone Is Shopping In My Panty Drawer

Good question SISIMPD!

Mojito says - if you have a known shoplifter in your "store" - you should lock your register and keep an eye on the suspicious person and any valuable merchandise. You should also reserve your right to refuse service to this person the next time they come in to "shop". And if those tactics don't work - violence leaves a lasting impression.



Please send your questions to dearmojito@gmail.com!!

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