Tuesday, January 13, 2009

WTF Wednesday!!!

Hey Y'all!!! It's that time again!! WTF Wednesday!!!

Now - I don't know about y'all and y'all's week- but I was ready to do WTF Wednesday like Monday!! No BS!!

So here are this week's WTFs:

- wait, if I flew out of state to visit you. uh............why you tryna holla at my girl?

- and why you tryna hook me up with your brother?

- how in the f*** is it 25 degrees here? Ain't this supposed to be the desert?

- wait, how am I the a**hole in this situation? I'm confused.

- are you seriously telling me it'll cost me $12 to withdraw cash outta this ATM machine? $12? Twelve? Dollars? Really?

- how the hell did I go to a city known for sin and didnt even get close to thinking about sinning? WTF?

- I'm sorry, I think I misheard you. In fact, I'm certain I misheard you. Did you really just ask me what my pu**y tastes like?

- do you really think that's an appropriate questions?

- um........why do you think I would know? Or did you want me to guess. I'm confused.

- what do you mean the plane already left? The flight is at 7:25. It's 7:18. And if it left - why am I looking at it out the window? Really?

Okay - those are my WTFs for the week!!

Please hit up the comments section with yours!! Remember - you can now post anonymously - so feel free to really put it out there!!



Monday, January 12, 2009

Mojito Mail...............If It Doesn't Fit?

Dear Mojito,

I don’t know how to ask this so I’m going to just get straight to it. How do I tell a man he doesn’t need to wear Magnum’s?


If It Doesn’t Fit

Dear IIDF,

This is a tricky one. Cause you’re pretending to ask me one thing, but you’re really asking me something else. See – what you’re really asking me is how to tell a man his sausage is less polska kielbasa and more Vienna. But okay – I’ma’ just stick to the question as it was asked. I’ve come up with three scenarios to help with your problem:

Solution A
Don’t tell him nothing. Just have a little packet of minis next to the bad. If he says something, just say you wanted to get him something “in his size”. But you gotta say that last part with a whisper, like it’s a secret. A little secret.

Solution B
Tell him you want him to wear 2 “for extra protection”, maybe the extra condom will fill the space. Or maybe he wont go for it and he’ll just put on e normal size condom. I mean, how comfy can a baggy a** condom really be? I’m just asking!

Solution C – and this is my personal favorite!!
Start wearing really big drawers. And not big like granny panties, which are big by design. I’m talking if you’re a size 6 like Mojito (cough cough) then start wearing drawers that are no smaller than a size 24. he will definitely ask you why yo’ drawers is so dayum big, and that’s when you tell him that since he’s wearing them too big ass condoms, you thought you’d keep up the theme and start wearing big drawers. Just for consistency’s sake. Then – for extra oomph – pull out the sexxxiest pair of panties in your real size along with a box of condoms in his real size and offer to switch it up if he will. I guarantee it’ll work!!!

So, my final word is this. If it doesn’t fit…………………..this is bull**it!! And on top of that – yo ass is gonna catch something, the least of which is a baby!!! Wrap it up people!! And in the right size!! Sheesh!!!

If you guys have other advice or solutions or want to share your own stories of BBA (bizarre bedroom antics) please feel free to chime in in the comments section! And as always – please send all questions to dearmojito@gmail.com!!



Oh yeah - you can now post anonymously!! Just go to "anonymous" and comment away!!!

Stop Frontin'

So, I have this acquantance. For the purposes of this blog let's call her Michelle. SO Michelle is one of those chicks that wants to appear to be a "good girl" but still act like a...............I started to say bad girl, but that's the thing. It's not even like she's acting all that bad. Her actions are not inherently hoe-ish. I mean, we're grown. So it's perfectly normal and acceptable for a woman to have a healthy sexual appetite and sex life. So why does this chick feel the need to lie about her actions just to keep up some sort of image. And truth be told, nobody is even buying that innocent act in the first damn place so she might as well keep it all the way real.

And on that topic – am I the only one who doesn’t buy or care that Mariah Carey is always claiming to be able to count the number of men she’s been with on one hand? I think the entire topic is tacky to being with. BUT – if you’re gonna talk about your sex life – keep it all the way real, please! If not, then just shut the hell up!! Mojito ain’t saying shi* about my sex life cause it falls under the category of NYDB - nunna’ yo’ damn bidness. But what you will NOT catch Mojito doing is talking at length about the great miraculous conception that resulted in the birth of Mojitito (my little one). I mean, really!!

For real, for real – I find make believe conversations to be a waste of my precious life minutes. I can’t NEVER get them minutes back – they don’t roll over, they can’t be put on layaway, nothing!! Just gone!! And she done wasted a shi*load of my life minutes telling me fairytales about dude A “just kissed me out of nowhere” or how all she remembers is waking up naked or that when she finally “came to” she was “on top of him” but didn’t know how she got there and she “doesn’t know how” they ended up giving sex, etc……..

In my experience – and I could be mistaken – kissing is a two person activity. Particularly the French variety. Therefore, no one “just kissed” you without you kissing them back. And any time you wake up in a strange place, nekkid, “diddled” and all without your consent – you need to call the authorities. And by authorities I mean the po-po, your local sexual assault hotline or at the very least cousin Ray Ray and ‘nem. And I don’t think I need to tell y’all she ain’t called nary one of the above referenced. In fact, she’s gone on 2nd & 3rd dates with these perps. (yeah, that’s right – perps!! That’s what they call them on Law & Order, right?)

And see – that’s that bull**it! So ladies, please, please, please!! I beseech thee. I implore thee – STOP THE BULLSHI*!!!!!

It’s okay. Really. It is 2009. it’s okay that you went out with a guy, had a good time and decided to let him get to 1st, 2nd, 3rd base. Hell – it’s okay if you decided to let him hit a home run – it’s your own dayum bidness and it is not a crime! Matter of fact – you taking alllll the fun out of the story with yo’ dayum lies!! Cause I’d much rather hear the story of how he came through and knocked it out the park or even if he came through and provided you with a sweaty, awkward and not-so-fulfilling 3 1/2 minutes – cause that could be amusing as well!! But gotdayummit ladies, for corn’s sake, for the love of pete……………………………stop frontin’!!!! Immediately!!

Now then – your turn:
- Ladies – have you ever lied about your “dealings” with a dude? I’m not talking about covering yo a** during an interrogation. I’m talking about an unsolicited lie! If so – why? (I really am curious). If not, do you know one of these frontin’/lyin’ chicks?

- Gentleman – do you know any chicks that do this? Or wait – do guys get involved with this foolishness? Why?

Hit up the comments section with your replies!!

