Wednesday, July 22, 2009

WTF Wednesday - early edition

Hola!!! Mojito has been away doing...................uh, wait I don't have to explain myself to you people!!! ;) I keed I keed!!! I'm here today and that's all that matters, no? And what a perfect day to come back - WTF Wednesday!!! I'm going to start it off and please add you own to the comments section!!

Mojito's WTFs:

- so you don't have a trash can in your office cause you don't like trash around you, so you instead opt to put YOUR stinky ass trash in MY trash can? WTF?

- so I'm defensive because I corrected you when you called 5 grown ass women "kids" repeatedly in a meeting? WTF?

- so I told you twice last week what my new situation was and you turn around and ask my coworker the same dayum question I already answered twice? (Do you think I'm lying?) WTF?

- is this girl really visibly pregnant in her cheerleading uniform, cheering at the dayum game? (courtesy of MTV, 16 & Pregnant) Girl sit yo pregnant ass down somewhere!! WTF?

- are you really talking about your sexcapades in detail on twitter? I object!! WTF?

- is this dayum sewing machine tripping on me again!!! WTF?

- Mojitito is getting so big and so pretty. Ugh. Boys have to be next on the agenda. That is the biggest WTF ever!!! Noooooooooo!!!

That's it for Mojito. So far.

Please add your WTFs in the comments section.




Anonymous said...

Did you... just call me a child when you still live with YO mama? As a matter of fact... have you EVER lived away from home?

Anonymous said...

You always talk about hatin ass haters but all you doin is hatin