Monday, February 7, 2011


So, I'm not entirely sure how to even start this post. Also - if you are one of my brothers - I suggest you not read this entry. Just tryna save you from reading something you don't want to know about.

So..........this weekend a gentleman sent me a picture of his um......peen. Unsolicited. Not requested. Nothing. Now I have two issues with this:

1. What is this new phenomenon of guys sending peen pics? Like - what is the point of it? I really want to know. Like - do you think a chick is gonna be like "yaaaaaay, let's do it"? Especially unsolicited. I mean - if I said "hey, lemme see your peen" it would be different. But to just send it? Why?

2. The size. I wish I could get a second opinion, but I ain't gonna be showing this dude's bidness to other people. But I'm really tryna figure out if this is normal size. It's MUCH smaller than any peen I've ever seen. So now I need to know if I've just been lucky or if this dude has a problem. Also - wouldn't he be aware that his peen isn't of a reasonable size? Why would he send anybody that? That's like me sending a dude a pic of my stretchmarks - IF I had any. :)

So - here are my questions for y'all:

1. Has anyone ever sent y'all unsolicited peen pics?
2. How did you respond?
3. How do you tell a man his peen is not picture worthy? Or do you?

Anyway - just had to get that out.

Happy Monday & shit.




Anonymous said...

Ummmm...I know some sirs. I know quite a few sirs. I've never received any such images. My question is why is no one sending me any peen pics???? Imma need some reparations in this piece.

Mojito said...

Dear Anonymous - you'se a fool. That is all.